To end on a magical holiday, come and watch the fireworks from one of our boats, within the limits of the security perimeter provided by the authorities, with a dazzling view of the fireworks show. Book now the rental of the boat of your choice, by clicking on the booking tab, choose the boat for Saturday, July 14, by selecting the time slot 22H00-23H00.

So that the party is complete, think of decorating the final bouquet by choosing one of our services (champagne, rosé … etc ..).

Note that LA FLOTTILLE does not participate in the fireworks decisions. Also, if the public authorities decided the postponement or its cancellation, for a decision that would be known after 22H00, the boats already in walk will finish their hour of hiring until 23H00. For a decision that would be known before 22H00, the boats still docked can, at the request of the tenant, to benefit from another time slot to use the reservation, according to the availabilities that we will propose.



Summer has arrived, enjoy its first days with a taste of holidays by having a good time with family or friends on the Moselle with one of our boat.

Get a 10% discount by booking the boat of your choice right now on our website.

Until July 2nd click on RESERVATION and enter the promo code FETEZLETE.

Special Father’s Day Promo

Hello, on Father’s Day, offer an original gift with a 10% DISCOUNT through online booking, choosing your day and time for the river cruise until June 18, 2018. Click on the RESERVATION tab now, choose your boat, then enter the promo code FETEDESPERES, validate and your gift is ready … Happy Father’s Day …

Special offer Mother’s Day

Hello, on the occasion of Mother’s Day, give an original gift with a 10% DISCOUNT thanks to the online reservation, choosing your day and your time for the river cruise, between May 22nd and May 15th. June 3, 2018. Click on the RESERVATION tab now, choose your boat, then enter the promo code FETEDESMERES, validate and your gift is ready … Happy Mother’s Day …