La Flottille in Thionville

From Nautic’Ham, nestled in the heart of the Portes de France-Thionville Agglomeration Community, just a stone’s throw from the three Luxembourg, German and Belgian borders, set off to discover the wild fauna and flora of the banks of the Moselle in an ecological way. board one of our motorboats without license and without noise, or in pedal water.
Boat rental
Electric boats without license and without noise, pedal boats : Discover the Moselle near Thionville.
Rejoin La Flottille in THIONVILLE
By car
From the A31, exit 37.2, follow the D654 towards TREVES, then Base de Loisirs Nautiques, once parked in the NAUTIC’HAM car park, head towards the LA FLOTTILLE chalet at the entrance to the port access channel of pleasure.
On foot
In downtown Thionville, from the bus or SNCF stations, take bus line S01 number 3 in the direction of BASSE HAM, get off at RUE DU STADE or RUE DU CANAL, once you arrive at NAUTIC’HAM, head towards the LA FLOTTILLE chalet at the entrance to the marina access channel.